488 research outputs found

    La Exposición Iberoamericana de Sevilla : La fase crítica de los primeros logros (1914-1922)

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    Tomo I ; págs. 67-8

    Vida y muerte en Sevilla del dramaturgo Damián Salucio del Poyo

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    Acerca de la vida del dramaturgo Damián Salucio del Poyo se sabe poco todavía, a pesar de los meritorios esfuerzos de algunos investigadores por discernir los datos ciertos para su biografía de aquellos que creaban confusión por referirse a personajes homónimos. Este trabajo trata de su período sevillano, el último de su existencia, que se inicia a principios de 1606, o poco antes. Partiendo de las aportaciones de estudiosos precedentes, pero sobre la base de documentación inédita en su mayoría, se establecen su fecha de nacimiento y los vínculos familiares, hasta hoy muy controvertidos y dudosos; se reconstruyen sus relaciones con directores de compañías teatrales -autores de comedias- y actores, así como con otros comediógrafos; se alude a sus beneficios eclesiásticos, actividades y negocios y, finalmente, se aborda su muerte en Sevilla ocurrida antes de diciembre de 1621.

    Redirection and Splitting of Sound Waves by a Periodic Chain of Thin Perforated Cylindrical Shells

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    [EN] The scattering of sound by finite and infinite chains of equally spaced perforated metallic cylindrical shells in an ideal (inviscid) and viscous fluid is theoretically studied using rigorous analytical and numerical approaches. Because of perforations, a chain of thin shells is practically transparent for sound within a wide range of frequencies. It is shown that strong scattering and redirection of sound by 90° may occur only for a discrete set of frequencies (Wood¿s anomalies) where the leaky eigenmodes are excited. The spectrum of eigenmodes consists of antisymmetric and symmetric branches with normal and anomalous dispersion, respectively. The antisymmetric eigenmode turns out to be a deaf mode, since it cannot be excited at normal incidence. However, at slightly oblique incidence, both modes can be resonantly excited at different but close frequencies. The symmetric mode, due to its anomalous dispersion, scatters sound in the ¿wrong¿ direction. This property may find an application for the splitting of the two resonant harmonics of the incoming signal into two beams propagating along the chain in the opposite directions. A chain of perforated cylinders may also be used as a passive antenna that detects the direction to the incoming signal by measuring the frequencies of the waves excited in the chain. Calculations are presented for aluminum shells in viscous air where the effects of anomalous scattering, redirection, and signal splitting are well manifested.A. K. acknowledges support from Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-02-15) de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. A. B., F. C., and J. S.-D. acknowledge the support by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish government and the European Union Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through Project No. TEC2014-53088-C3-1-R. The authors are thankful to Michael R. Haberman for fruitful discussion regarding possible applications of the periodic chain of a perforated shell in the processing of acoustic signals.Bozhko, A.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J.; Cervera Moreno, FS.; Krokhin, A. (2017). Redirection and Splitting of Sound Waves by a Periodic Chain of Thin Perforated Cylindrical Shells. Physical Review Applied. 7(6):064034-1-064034-13. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.7.064034S064034-1064034-137

    Reference Ontologies to Support the Development of New Product-Service Lifecycle Systems

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    In competitive and time sensitive market places, organisations are tasked with providing Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approaches to achieve and maintain competitive advantage, react to change and understand the balance of possible options when making decisions on complex multi-faceted problems, Global Production Networks (GPN) in one such domain in which this applies. When designing and configuring GPN to develop, manufacture and deliver product-service provision, information requirements that affect decision making become more complex. The application of reference ontologies to a domain and its related information requirements can enhance and accelerate the development of new product-service lifecycle systems with a view towards the seamless interchange of information or interoperability between systems and domains. This paper present preliminary results for the capture and modelling of end-user information and an initial higher level reference core ontology for the development of reference ontologies to ameliorate product-service lifecycle management for GPNPalmer, C.; Urwin, E.; Pinazo-Sanchez, J.; Sánchez Cid, F.; Pajkovska-Goceva, S.; Young, R. (2014). Reference Ontologies to Support the Development of New Product-Service Lifecycle Systems. En Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based. Springer Verlag. 642-649. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44736-9_78S642649Vandermerwe, S., Rada, J.: Servitization of business: adding value by adding services. European Management Journal 6(4), 314–324 (1988)Coe, N.M., Dicken, P., Hess, M.: Global production networks: realizing the potential. Economic Geography Research Group, Working Paper Series No. 05.07 (2007)Young, R.I.M., Gunendran, A.G., Chungoora, N., Harding, J.A., Case, K.: Enabling interoperable manufacturing knowledge sharing in PLM. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Interna-tional Conference on Product Life Cycle Management PLM 2009, University of Bath, Bath, UK, July 6-8, pp. 130–138. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Switzerland (2009)Chungoora, N., Young, R.I.M.: The configuration of design and manufacture know-ledge models from a heavyweight ontological foundation. International Journal of Production Research 49(15), 4701–4725 (2011)Chungoora, N., Cutting-Decelle, A.-F., Young, R.I.M., Gunendran, G., Usman, Z., Harding, J.A., Case, K.: Towards the ontology-based consolidation of production-centric standards. International Journal of Production Research 51(2), 327–345 (2013a)Hastilow, N.: An Ontological Approach to Manufacturing Systems Interoperability in Dynamic Change Environments. PhD Thesis. School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK (2013)Highfleet Ontology Library Reference. Highfleet Inc., Baltimore (2014)International Standards Society, ISO/IEC 15288:2008 Systems and Software Engineering – System lifecycle processes. ISO, Genève (2008)Banathy, B.H.: A systems view of education: Concepts and principles for effective practice. Educational Technology (1992)OMG, 2012 OMG unified modeling language (OMG UML), superstructure and infrastructure version 2.4.1 (2012), http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.4.1/ (accessed May 9, 2014)Mizoguchi, R., Kozaki, K., Kitamura, Y.: Ontological analyses of roles. In: 2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), pp. 489–496. IEEE (September 2012)FIPS PUBs: Integration definition for function modelling (IDEF0). Federal information processing standards publication, 183 (1993)POP* Revised framework Work package – A1.8, Athena European integrated project no. 507849 public deliverable (2006

    Estado del proceso de implantación del sonido envolvente 5.1. en el medio radio en España

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    Para los autores, la situación actual del medio radio en España presenta un claro inmovilismo tecnológico que tiene como resultado una importante restricción expresiva. Las posibilidades que ofrecen los avances de última generación en el campo del sonido envolvente son desatendidas por limitaciones circunstanciales, que imposibilitan aprovechar el productivo vínculo tecnología y expresividad, que funciona como factor coadyuvante en la identidad y capacidad comunicativa de los mensajes sonoros.Mientras que en países como Australia, Suecia, Japón, Francia, Holanda, Austria, Noruega, Alemania, Dinamarca o EE.UU., se experimenta con la tecnología de sonido envolvente 5.1, en España, en el año 2009, apenas se ahonda en la producción de programas con sonido estereofónico, resultando francamente complejo concienciar de las posibilidades del sistema envolvente a los responsables de los medios.El presente trabajo se plantea como una reflexión respecto a las posibles causas del retraso en la aplicación del sonido digital multicanal 5.1 en el medio radio en España

    EBU R-128 On TV in Open by TDT in Spain. A Recommendation Forgotten. Case Study: 2013-2017

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    El progresivo incremento de los niveles de sonido en buena parte del sector audiovisual y en concreto en las emisiones de televisión, ha provocado una merma de calidad en los contenidos, así como ha generado numerosas quejas por parte de los usuarios. Como consecuencia, distintos organismos internacionales han realizado investigaciones basadas en la sonoridad con el fin de lograr un estándar a la hora de producir y emitir los contenidos sonoros, resultando en Europa la recomendación UER/EBU R-128. En atención a lo anterior, este estudio valora de forma exploratoria y aproximativa el grado de cumplimiento de dicha recomendación en España entre los años 2013 y 2017. Para ello se ha seleccionado una muestra de 1.500 fragmentos de televisión emitidos por TDT en abierto, de los cuales, 400 han sido verificados con procesado en tiempo real mediante sistemas de medición contrastados. Los bloques analizados se corresponden con contenidos de diferentes cadenas, horarios, formatos y géneros. El resultado derivado permite obtener una visión ilustrativa capaz de facilitar respuestas a muchas dudas actuales, pudiendo anticipar que la media obtenida por canal, evidencia que la recomendación UER/EBU R-128 prácticamente no es tenida en consideración por la mayoría de los canales.The progressive increase in sound levels in a large part of the audiovisual sector and in particular in television broadcasts, has led to a reduction in the quality of the contents as well as to numerous complaints by users. As a result, different international organizations have carried out research based on loudness in order to achieve a standard in producing and broadcasting the sound content, resulting in the EBU R-128 recommendation in Europe. In the light of the above, this study assesses in an approximate way the degree of compliance of this recommendation in Spain between the years 2013 and the beginning of 2017. For this purpose, a sample of 1,500 television fragments issued by open DTT, of the 400 have been verified with real-time processing by means of contrast measurement systems. The analyzed blocks correspond to contents of different chains, schedules, formats and genres. The derived result allows to obtain an illustrative vision capable of providing answers to many current doubts, being able to anticipate that the average obtained by channel, evidences that the recommendation EBU / EBU R-128 practically is not taken into account by the majority of channel

    Una propuesta que facilita el uso eficaz de los libros de texto a los futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en el marco del Máster de Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria, Bachillerato e Idiomas (MFP) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), en la que se trata de obtener información, a través de cuestionarios diseñados a tal efecto por el equipo de investigadores que presenta esta propuesta, sobre qué conocimientos matemáticos específicos necesita un profesor de matemáticas para usar de manera eficaz en el aula el libro de texto. Como punto de partida, y a través del trabajo colaborativo de los autores de la propuesta aquí presentada, se ha diseñado un conjunto de ítems para analizar minuciosamente los contenidos de una Unidad Didáctica de un libro de texto

    Incorporation of ZnO Nanoparticles into Soy Protein-Based Bioplastics to Improve Their Functional Properties

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    The union of nanoscience (nanofertilization) with controlled release bioplastic systems could be a key factor for the improvement of fertilization in horticulture, avoiding excessive contamination and reducing the price of the products found in the current market. In this context, the objective of this work was to incorporate ZnO nanoparticles in soy protein-based bioplastic processed using injection moulding. Thus, the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles (0 wt%, 1.0 wt%, 2.0 wt%, 4.5 wt%) and mould temperature (70 °C, 90 °C and 110 °C) were evaluated through a mechanical (flexural and tensile properties), morphological (microstructure and nanoparticle distribution) and functional (water uptake capacity, micronutrient release and biodegradability) characterization. The results indicate that these parameters play an important role in the final characteristics of the bioplastics, being able to modify them. Ultimately, this study increases the versatility and functionality of the use of bioplastics and nanofertilization in horticulture, helping to prevent the greatest environmental impact caused.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government and FEDER (UE), grant number RTI2018-097100-B-C2

    Experimental evidence of the Poisson-like effect for flexural waves in thin metallic plates

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    [EN] This Letter reports the feasibility of a structure specifically designed for the control of flexural waves propagating in thin perforated plates. The structure, here denominated as a redirector device, consists of a square array of free holes that splits the impinging beam and transmits sideways their vibrational energy. This behavior is known as a Poisson-like effect, and it was theoretically described in different acoustic structures. This effect is experimentally demonstrated for flexural waves excited in an aluminum perforated plate, and it is explained in terms of a physical mechanism different to that reported for acoustic waves interacting with thin hollow cylinders embedded in water. In addition, a collimator device based also in free holes is designed and validated with the purpose of providing the beam impinging the redirector device. The measurements indicate that the amount of redirected energy is strongly enhanced when a barrier of two-beam resonators is added at the rear side of the redirector. All the designs are validated by an experimental setup employing 1¿mm thick aluminum plates.This research was partially supported by Grant No. PID2020112759GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe." J.S.-D. acknowledges the "Proyecto interno" supported by the Universitat Polite`cnica de Valencia. A.F. is supported through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigaci~on y Desarrollo of the Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia under Grant Nos. PAID-01-20 and 21589. J.S.-D. and P.G. acknowledge useful conversations with Johan Christensen.Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J.; Gao, P.; Cervera Moreno, FS.; Broatch, A.; Garcia Tiscar, J.; Felgueroso-Rodríguez, A. (2022). Experimental evidence of the Poisson-like effect for flexural waves in thin metallic plates. Applied Physics Letters. 120(9). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0080450094102120